Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Riversdale Primary School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. Now, more than ever, it is essential to look after our wellbeing and to support, not only our own mental health, but that of those around us.

We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s responsibility, that we all have a role to play and that the mental health of our students, and their families, can have a lasting impact on their attainment and progress. A student who is struggling emotionally cannot learn.

At our school we:

  • use a colour based scheme, called zones of regulation, across the school to help children identify their feelings and discuss with them strategies for returning to “green”;
  • have our own emotional development strategy (PIP) that runs alongside our school values;
  • teach children about online safety and the realities of the digital world;
  • promote self-esteem through strategies such as our positive behaviour management policy and rights respecting based approach. 

These are just a few of the different programmes of support we have in place. To find out more, please see the Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy here.

By implementing these across the school, it allows our children:

  • to become resilient and to ‘bounce back’ in difficult situations,
  • to understand their feelings and to look after themselves; mentally and physically,
  •  to form social connections and maintain relationships,
  • to know they are important, special and that they matter,
  • to believe in themselves and their potential for their future.

As well as a wide range of school-led programmes of support and interventions, the school also employs a full time therapist to provide a wide range of therapeutic services based on the needs of the school community/children. For this to take place, we have a dedicated set of child friendly therapy rooms on site.

Where necessary, the school will also make referrals to external agencies and educational wellbeing practitioners, to ensure that the children in our care receive the most appropriate support available. 

Online Safety

It is becoming increasingly clear that social media and the virtual world play a huge part in the development of children. Negative experiences can have a severe impact on a child’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. To this end, Riversdale actively works to ensure children and their families are educated on both the advantages and dangers of being online. To find out more about this, including access to a range of useful parent/carers guides, visit our dedicated Online Safety page here.

Services and Websites

We have all had times where we have found it difficult to understand and to cope. There are lots of common life events that may affect you or your child’s mental wellbeing, but everyone deserves to feel good and in control of themselves. 

Be kind to your mind, look after yourself. 

Below you will find a comprehensive list of support charities and organisations that will provide support for you and/or your child now or in the future.


Particular Focus

Contact Details/Web Address

Anxiety UK

Anxiety advice

Text: 07537 416 905

Helpline: 03444 775 774


Eating disorders

Helpline: 0808 801 0677

Student line: 0808 801 0811

Youth line: 0808 801 0711

Books Beyond Words:


Wordless picture stories covering topics including physical and mental health, abuse and trauma, grief and bereavement

CALM - Campaign against Living Miserably


Male suicide prevention ages 15+

0800 58 58 58

Calm Harm App


Help for self-harm and anxiety

CAMHS Wandsworth


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

24hr crisis line: 0800 028 8000


Catch-22 Wandsworth Young People’s Health Agency





Advice & support for any issue        

0800 1111



Bereavement care & support

0808 808 1677




Advice about your own or another’s drinking

0300 123 1110



Info & advice about drugs

0300 123 6600




Online mental wellbeing support

The Mix


Essential support for anyone aged 12-25

0808 808 4994

or text THEMIX to 85258

Muslim Youth Helpline


MYH is a registered charity which provides pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to Muslim youth in the UK

0808 808 2008


My Health London


NHS Care and Services Search Engine 

National Association for Children of Alcoholics


Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking

0800 358 3456


NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


Abuse, neglect, domestic violence

0800 1111


Off the Record


Free self-referral counselling support, ages 14-25, for those who live, work or study in Croydon, Merton or Sutton

Croydon: 020 8251 0251

Merton: 0203 984 4004

Sutton: 020 8680 8899



Youth suicide prevention

0800 068 4141


Place 2 Be:


Mental health support in schools 


Rape Crisis


Confidential support for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence

0808 802 9999




Free 24-hour national domestic abuse helpline

0808 2000 247




UKs largest provider of relationship support; many resources available on their website



Distress, despair, suicide prevention

116 123



Crisis support

Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258



Charity that aims to improve child mental health through movement 



LGBT+ helpline

0300 330 0630

Victim Support


Crime & traumatic events support

0808 16 89 111


Wandsworth Young People’s Wellbeing Service

Education Wellbeing Practitioners - EWPs

Referral Form to be completed and handed into SENCo.

Winston’s Wish


Children’s bereavement support

08088 020 021




Info & advice about mental health

Text ‘YM’ to 85258 

Useful links
Useful Links for Parents

Here's a quick link to some useful information for parents and carers, including home learning apps and the school's communication app.

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Our Address

    Riversdale Primary School
    302A Merton Road
    Wandsworth London
    SW18 5JP

    0208 874 6904
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