
Riversdale Primary School provides a happy, stimulating learning environment, where every child is valued. We seek to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge, which will help pupils achieve their true potential through praise, encouragement and high expectations of work and behaviour. As a rights respecting school, we also believe strongly in mutual respect for all members of our community, be that local, national or global.

We aim to:

  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum with a sound grounding in the basic skills of Literacy and Numeracy, together with the independence and confidence to apply these.
  • Foster lively, enquiring minds and enthusiasm for learning by treating children as individuals and building on their success. We want children to develop the skills to become lifelong learners.
  • Make children feel valued and respected so they can be confident and secure; willing to seek help in the understanding that overcoming difficulty is part of the learning process.
  • We will empower our children to become global citizens, to enable them to make valuable contributions locally, nationally and globally and to contribute to our world’s sustainable future.
  • Develop, through example and explanation, a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and respect for one another, the school and community.
  • Show the importance of socialising and collaborating with sensitivity, consideration and humour.
  • Encourage aesthetic and spiritual awareness.
  • Allow children, staff, parents, governors and the community to share in our achievements and take pride in our school.
We believe that our school song expresses the school ethos, which is rooted in British values and our belief in respecting the rights of children. 


You are my brother,

You are my friend, 

You are my sister,

Our love shall never end. 

Whatever colour our skin or our hair

Let us sing together

That is our prayer.

Lift your banners high

Work for justice and for peace,

Lift your banners high

May our friendship never cease.

Lift our banners high

We shall sing in every land,

Lift your banners high

For in friendship's name we stand.

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Useful Links for Parents

Here's a quick link to some useful information for parents and carers, including home learning apps and the school's communication app.

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Our address
Our Address

    Riversdale Primary School
    302A Merton Road
    Wandsworth London
    SW18 5JP

    0208 874 6904
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